According to my correct counter, this will be photo number 500. Ignoring the fact that WordPress counts this as post number 524 (due to file uploads).

I wish it was consecutive photo number 500, or 500 great photos or some other such magnificent thing.

As it was for post number 300, I will be using this milestone to take a short break to try and build up a store of decent shots rather than trying desperately (and badly) to put something up for the sake of it.

This won’t be a hiatus of any sorts, but also an opportunity to investigate some other site improvements, maybe a different look etc.

Made using almost all previous 499 images, if you stand back from your screen a bit you should make out the magic number. The software used was EasyMosaic. This was attempt number 7 with the backdrop being this shot (and yes I know there is a duplicate or two):

500 - Original

500 – Original


Well done!

You clicked the ‘+’! Well done you!

I’ve been wondering if anyone ever clicked that thing, now I know – thanks!

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