
Really Quickly (because I like bullet-point lists):


It goes without saying (well, actually – not really since I’m writing it here) that anything written or published on this site is to be considered the opinion of myself and should not be attributed to any other person or entity unless explicitly stated.

Please see the full disclaimer on the copyright & legal page.

The Gear:

The Website:

  • Wasting other’s online time since 2002, seriocomic.com started as a blog using B2/WordPress up to July 2005 (Those entries are now off-line because of an incorrect quality/quantity ratio). It then became a PixelPost photoblog until May 2006 before going on hiatus (for no good reason) until Oct 2006
  • Now operated using WordPress, statically exported to Cloudflare.
  • A complete mess and in live-development
  • Modified template based on MobileFirst.
  • Voted Australian/New Zealand Photoblog of the Year (2007)

Want to buy? Selected works are available at RedBubble.


Well done!

You clicked the ‘+’! Well done you!

I’ve been wondering if anyone ever clicked that thing, now I know – thanks!

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